Friday, October 21, 2016

Another Update :P + Something Fabulous

Hey guys, I'm sorry to say I'm missing Fuzzertale again. I've had a lot on both my mind and my plate lately, and having to crank out a new FT every week on top of that... I just can't do it! That's why I'm shifting the release dates to the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month. I hope you guys understand! I'll try to be more consistent!

For now, though, have a Giraffeton:

(Listen to death by glamour for full effect ;D )

Friday, October 14, 2016

Fuzzertale #10: In Which Fuzzy Recaps Excitedly

YIPPEEEE IT'S BAAAACK *throws lizards everywhere*

So, since it's back by popular demand, I'll try to keep posting weekly! As you can see, the Cintiq really makes a difference, but I'm also kinda slow at the program, since that's new too. Be patient, folks! And stay determined!


Monday, October 10, 2016


Since I've got a cool art program now, I'm gonna be doing Fuzzertale more regularly. It'll hopefully be out this Friday! Yayyyyy!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Computer + Cintiq!!!








So I did this!!! The pressure sensitivity on the Cintiq omg I'm dying of awesomeness :o

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Therium Valley; The Mostly Animated Short

Man, I was reeeeally gone awhile...

Yknow, it's always something. Whether going on a trip or cramming for deadlines, or just plain being exhausted inbetween, I ALWAYS forget to post. But hey, at least I can post what I've done in the month I was away.

I found my way over to JAM and learned that they had a free 'animated short' class through the month of August, sponsored by none other than Cartoon Network. "So," said I, "I shall animate." And animate I did.

Here are some developmental works for my animated short, a story about the adventures of some prehistoric mammals.

The first design for Dougal, the protagonist of the story.
And an early sketch of Owen, his best friend.
A fun development image of Dougal and Owen taking a prehistoric selfie.
This is the Valley they live in.
And here's a drawing of them looking out over the valley!
And without further ado, the (Mostly) finished product.

(Voices by Panda and JJ)

So yeah if you miss fuzzertale...


blame it on this

Friday, July 29, 2016


Sorry folks, I know I've skipped a couple weeks now, but honestly, I'm getting a bit burned out, and need a bit longer to gain my DETERMINATION back without feeling guilty for missing a couple weeks. Besides, I'm going on vacation for all of next week, and won't have my iPad to work on it. I'll be MIA until about, uhh, the twelfth maybe? Yeah. Around then. I may still post a couple off-topic undertale comics, but I'll be busy packing for the trip, and just being ON the trip. Thanks for understanding, and if you didn't, well, thanks for that too! 

Byeeeeeeee for a while

And chew on this while I'm gone

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I'm gonna be out of town Friday, so fuzzertales gonna be posted late, and in low quality. I'll fix this when I get home though, don't worry!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Fuzzertale #8; In Which it's a Bit Weird

Ooooooh what's going on here? :o Gotta wait and see, I guess!

So begins Chapter 1 of Fuzzertale! No more prologue! PARTY!!!!!
Um, well, it is a bit late, but better late than never, right?


Monday, June 27, 2016

Fuzzertale #7; In Which The Flower gets Dunked by a Goat

That's the end, folks! Thanks for watching: Fuzzy gets Killed by an Evil Flower. You can all go home. :P

Haha, just kidding. You guys know there'll be more. Just, this is the end of the prologue, so ill take a few weeks off to catch up on various projects. Don't worry, though, I'll keep you guys updated with more stuff in that time! The wait'll be over before you know it. ;3

Fuzzertale will return on Friday, July 8th.



Fuzzertale will be posted this afternoon, thank you for your patience. 
So, uh... Have this while you wait!