Sunday, May 15, 2016

I've Got Undertale!

Yeah!!! Just downloaded undertale this morning! By now I've made it through both the Ruins and Snowdin, and I'm having a skele-ton of fun so far. I only died twice, which is, I think, a gaming record for me... Usually I do wayyyyy worse.

So here's a little screenie of me, after falling like 100 feet onto a bed of magical flowers that somehow saved me from breaking my neck.

(Don't freak out guys, it's photoshopped. :P)

I highly recommend playing the game if you haven't already! Toby did a masterful job making a brilliant, fun, and extremely detailed game. (Caution: this game will take over your mind and make you into trash like me. OuO)

Alrighty! That's all for now, I'm just super duper hyped about this!

Sincerely, Fuzrisk


  1. Replies
    1. Naw, I only had the demo, and I'd read every wiki page on it. I just now bought the whole thing.
